Description of the program for CPO
Course content Ankle Foot Orthoses in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy for CPOs. Theory Goals: Basic and advanced
1. Knowledge of cerebral movement disorders and associated muscle disorders.
- Cerebral palsy, spasticity, dyskenitic an atactic movement 2. Knowledge of deformities of the foot and 3-point pressure systems to correct them. 3. Knowledge of the normal gait, division in phases of gait according to Perry, and ground reaction forces, joint torques
4. Knowledge of abnormal gait patterns 1,2,3,4 and 5 5. Knowledge impact of Ankle Foot Orthoses on walking patterns in a spastic CP 6. Knowledge of materials and manufacture for AFO's 7. Casting technology and correction of plaster models 8. Points of attention when trying on AFO's 9. Focus on delivery of AFO's 10. Tuning AFO-shoe combination Practice 1. Observation of gait 2. Doing physical examination (range of motion Hamstrings, Gastrocnemius, Soleus, dorsiflexion, pro / supination 3. plaster in a child 4. correction of a plaster model valgus and varus deformation 5. manufacture of an AFO a. polypropylene technology (tamarack, and dorsal AFO FRO b. laminate resin casting technique (tamarack, and dorsal AFO, FRO (when possible) c. carbon technique (For information only) 6. fitting of an AFO 7. delivery of an AFO 8. control of an AFO
Supplement for advanced course
1. describe a gait pattern by Perry in 8 phases
2. translate gait pattern/ SLO to an AFO treatment plan
3. designing a AFO based on a treatment plan
4. correction of a plastermodel
5. knowledge of advanced AFO carbon honge techniques
6. delivering of a well tuned AFO
7. Knowledge of Botuline toxine/ baclofen treatment and serial casting
8. knowledge of GMFCS and Ashworth-scale
(just for information)
1. observation of Gait and describe gait pattern in phases
2. make a AFO treatment plan
3. design and manufact AFO and explain your choice
4. correction of plastermodel with less help
5. manufact hinged AFO tamarack and double action joints
6. tuning AFO/shoe combination and explain in biomechanical therms