Basic course
Prerequisites for a participation in the basic course
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To participate in a course especially welcome are the teams that specialize in treating children suffering from this disease.
The team should consist of medical specialists in the fields of rehabilitation, neurology, orthopedics, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and orthopedic technicians.
From the members of the team is expected high level of knowledge about the treatment confirmed by the positive result of the initial test.
In case that the team is not yet complete, we expect, that at least one of the medical specialists, one or two therapists and one orthopedic technician, (from the firm, which makes orthoses for the children) will take part of the course.
The course is destined only for permanent employees.
The members of the team should have experience with treating of children with cerebral palsy work with children at least for 2 years minimal 2 times a week.
Full participation in all lectures and workshops of the course is necessary to obtain a Certificate confirming their skills which have been gained in the functional therapy treatment of the children with cerebral palsy.